
Saturn is the sixth planet if seen through the sun. It is the largest planet after Jupiter. But if we consider the rings of the planets i.e we consider the rings in the planets diameter then Saturn becomes the largest planet in the entire solar system.

Saturn is famous specially due to its glorious rings that overs a huge huge area. The rings of Saturn, mainly made of ice rocks, can be seen from the earth with a telescope even from 4 or 5 inch reflector.

Diameter: 120,660 km. It is about 10 times larger than our Earth

Temperature: –178°C* Distance from Earth: At its closest, Saturn is 1190.4 million km

Atmosphere: Hydrogen and helium

Rotation of its axis: 10 hours, 40 min, 24 sec

Surface: consists of liquid and gas.

Rotation around the Sun: 29.5 Earth years