Smith's Cloud set to Collide with the Milky Way!

When our human mind was still busy exploring the various fascinating aspects of the universe, new and more mysterious things outside it awaits our attention. The concepts of parallel universe and life forms existing on other planets have got their share of our interests.

However, the next big discovery on the astronomical scene is that of the massive hydrogen gas cloud which is speeding towards our galaxy — The Milky Way. This cloud of hydrogen gas is known as the Smith’s cloud, named after the scientist who first discovered it in 1963.
Till date, it was not clear as to if the cloud has emerged from the Milky Way or is coming towards it until recently, when the scientists confirmed that the latter was true. When measured with the help of the Green Bank Telescope, the cloud was found to be 11,000 light-years long and 2,500 light-years wide. It is said to be containing enough hydrogen to make a million stars like our sun. It is traveling with the monstrous speed of 240 km/s and is set to hit the galaxy at 45 degrees.

The origin and orbit of the cloud is yet not discovered. However, if the collision of the cloud and Milky Way is visible to the naked eye, it would be a delight. Scientists speculate that the collision could set off huge fireworks, making it a spectacle. It is being termed as being theCelestial New Year, where the heavenly bodies will put on a firework show.